Abdullah Toumeh

Abdullah Toumeh

P.Eng. | Forensic Engineer

Specialties: Structural and Civil Engineering

Let's Talk!

Office : Calgary

Phone : 403 230-2344     ext. 6302

Email : atoumeh@cep-experts.ca




Before joining CEP in 2022, Abdullah worked in various structural engineering consulting positions. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Tishreen University in Syria, and has extensive experience in evaluating damaged structures, building code compliance issues, construction deficiencies and various structural failures. Abdullah specializes in the investigation of structural damage to buildings, building code compliance investigations, roofing system evaluation, construction defects and structural analysis of buildings and foundations. Prior to his work at CEP, he designed various structures, from townhomes to multifamily buildings, gaining experience in wood design, cold formed steel and reinforced concrete, among other materials. He has designed buildings to various specifications and building codes across Canada, including completing seismic designs.



As a forensic engineer, Abdullah investigates and provides repair recommendations for structures that have been damaged in various incidents. He has assessed vehicle impact, fire and moisture related damage as well as code and construction related deficiencies, and has evaluated a variety of structures, from farm buildings to commercial properties. His breadth of experience allows him to competently handle both residential and commercial claims.


  • Civil
  • Structural analysis, structures, and foundations
  • Site Inspection
  • Concrete
  • Steel
  • Wood
  • Masonry
  • Construction Defects
  • Standards and Code Compliance
  • Roofing Systems
  • Drainage Issues