Geoff Wowk
P.Eng., CFEI, CVFI | Forensic Engineer
Specialties: Mechanical Engineering, Fire & Explosion
Geoff holds both a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alberta and a Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. He specializes in fire origin and cause and mechanical failure investigations. He has worked on a variety of projects, including vehicle, equipment and structure fires, as well as a plumbing, heating and other mechanical and technical failures. Geoff is well versed in equipment failures for industrial, farm and oil and gas applications.
Geoff has extensive experience in fire investigation techniques and has completed a number of reports on vehicle, equipment and building fires. In addition, Geoff has completed a number of continuing education courses from the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, and has investigated a range of failures involving HVAC, plumbing and boiler systems. His understanding of how fires develop and spread, as well as mechanical processes has led to the successful resolution of many fire and failure related claims.
- Fire Investigations
- Origin and cause
- Failure analysis
- Vehicle and structural/compartment
- Explosion investigation and analysis
- Equipment Failure Analysis
- Oil and Gas
- Engine Failures
- Code Compliance Studies
- Building Code compliance of industrial, commercial and residential buildings
- Fire Code compliance
- National Fire Protection Association standards
- Exits, fire separations, accessibility
- Protection Systems
- Fire alarm systems
- Sprinkler systems
- Mechanical Engineering
- Fire protection and automatic fire sprinklers
- Mechanical equipment and industrial processes
- Plumbing systems