Jonathan P. Gough
P.Eng. | Senior Forensic Engineer (Retired)
Specialties: Collision Reconstruction, Materials & Metallurgy
Jonathan Gough completed his Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Metallurgical Engineering at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario in 1982. Prior to joining the company in 1986, he spent four years at the Defence Research Establishment Pacific (DREP) investigating the fracture properties of materials used by the Canadian Armed Forces.
Since joining the company, he has been extensively involved in the analysis of fractures of metals, plastics, and other materials. He has also investigated a wide variety of consumer product failures, such as ladders, plumbing components, and fire suppression systems, to establish the cause of failure. Jonathan has conducted many forensic slip (or trip) and fall investigations to assess the slip resistance of flooring and Building Code compliance. Much of Jonathan’s work has been in the field of motor vehicle collision investigation and reconstruction, where he has a particular interest in assessing seatbelt effectiveness, heavy vehicle rollovers, pedestrian visibility, and collisions involving Event Data Recorders (EDRs).
- Materials & Metallurgical
- Fracture analysis of metals
- Fracture analysis of non-metallics
- Product liability analysis
- Collision Reconstruction
- Motor Vehicle Collision Analysis
- Heavy Vehicle Rollovers
- Nighttime visibility
- Low speed collision