Drying or wetting of clay deposit: the phenomenon and the damages it causes
Ground movements can cause significant damage to buildings or other structures especially when foundations consist of shallow elements or grade supported slabs.
The Modern Challenges of Farm Equipment
According to the 2016 Agricultural Census, Canada has over 640 000 km2 of farmland. All this land has to be insured, and with insurance comes the inevitability of claims.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Stainless Steel but Were Afraid to Ask (Part 2)
Continued from part 1, part 2 explores corrosion and failures found in stainless steel components.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Stainless Steel but Were Afraid to Ask (Part 1)
In this article, we explore stainless steel. What is it, when was it discovered and whether there are different kinds.
Bathroom Exhaust Fans: a fire risk lurking in your ceiling
Bathroom exhaust fans are a common piece of equipment and are often overlooked during home maintenance activities, but a neglected bathroom exhaust fan can lead to disaster if a failure occurs.
Safe Trailering
In many parts of Canada, the warm weather signals the start of the trailer towing season. From Recreational Vehicles to tent trailers and all sizes of boats, towing is often part of our summer plans. While trailer towing can be a great way to bring additional toys with you on vacation, the connection between the vehicle and the trailer needs to be done right to ensure safe trailering.
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