Snowmobiles Catching Fire
When you think of ways a snowmobile could fail the first thing that comes to mind is probably not a fire. Similarly, when you think of what could cause a fire, the first thing that pops into your mind is probably not a snowmobile! So why would a snowmobile, in a cold-weather environment, catch fire?
Green Technology – Risk vs. Reward
There is no denying that climate change, green energy, and the transition away from fossil fuels is a hot topic across the country in Canada right now; it’s also a subject that the insurance industry is keeping a close eye on. Reports that flooding, extreme weather and increased forest fires are the result of climate change has the insurance industry dealing with larger and more frequent losses.
Don’t Let Your Cannabis Crop Go Up in Smoke
With the recent legalization of recreational cannabis in Canada, homeowners are permitted to grow up to four plants at their residence. Many will choose to grow these plants indoors to control climate conditions and light cycles, but indoor grow operations present unique challenges and some risks such as fire. Planning for and mitigating these risks will help ensure that your crop doesn’t go “up in smoke”.
Forensic science and the drone; what you need to know about certification and registration
Drone emergence and recent developments in technology allow data gathering that previously required larger and more expensive means.
Cigarettes Can Kill You, and E-cigarettes Can Too!
Over the years, the health benefits of quitting smoking have been well documented; however, some former cigarette users are turning to e-cigarettes or “vaping” to help them quit. Vaping has also become popular among many people who have never smoked cigarettes. But e-cigarette use comes with its own set of risks.
Fire Suppression Systems
When you enter a condominium or commercial building you will often see wet sprinkler heads located in the walls or hanging from the ceiling. These water suppression systems will extinguish fires involving wood components, couches (polyurethane foam) and other plastic materials, and are effective at controlling or extinguishing fires. But how do we control fires involving grease or other flammable chemicals, like paint?
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