The adventures of forensic technology: when reality goes beyond fiction
Recognized around the world for his exceptional sense of deduction, Sherlock Holmes was driven by his thirst for truth and desire to reveal the culprits in the shadows with solid evidence. One of the arrows in his quiver was the use of avant-garde tools, which allowed him to collect clues and validate his hypotheses.
4 factors changing the world of vehicle and collision investigations
The production of automobiles of all types has evolved, from agricultural and forestry machinery, to heavy trucks and recreational vehicles – on land or sea. And so has the investigation into the events of an accident, fire or mechanical loss!
Building a Strong Safety Culture
Lack of protocol is often the root cause of accidents. Did you know that in 2018, over 1000 workplace fatalities occurred in Canada? Heat sources near flammable substances, poorly constructed stairs, vehicle collisions, the causes vary.
Ladder Failures: Pre-existing damage or material failure?
With spring approaching, Canadians may see the warmer weather as an opportunity to maintain eavestroughs and roofs, take down holiday lights or patch up paintwork. As such, many of us will be dusting our ladders off and climbing up high. However, unintentional falls from a high level can cause significant injury.
Electric Scooters - a new mode of transport
With the emergence of electric scooter pilot programs in Edmonton, Calgary, and other Canadian cities, a new type of transportation is becoming popularized. However, electric scooters initially appear to occupy a gray area in transportation regulation – are they motor vehicles, like cars, or are they more similar to unpowered scooters?
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction and Injury Claims
The temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) describes the impaired movement and function of the jaw, due to injury in the bone or soft tissue of the surrounding structure.
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