
Why are my lights out? – Common causes of power disruptions

Power outages are, thankfully, rare occurrences in many areas of Canada. While the sources of electricity generation vary between natural-gas fired turbines, hydroelectric dams, wind, and nuclear, the transmission and distribution systems that bring the electricity to our homes and businesses are typically very reliable. When the lights do go out, there can be a few different sources of the power outage and this article will discuss some of the more common types of failures that can cause issues.

Traceability of contaminated soils

In March 2018, the daily newspaper La Presse revealed that organized crime had infiltrated the contaminated soils disposal and transport industry. The Naphthalene investigation, led by the Sûreté du Québec, reportedly found that hundreds of thousands of tons of heavily contaminated soils from construction sites located in the Montreal area were illegally released into the environment.

Iron Man versus corrosion: a duel of titans!

Affecting many metals that make up everyday objects (steel, cast iron, aluminum, copper, bronze, brass, etc.), corrosion is an enemy that wreaks enormous havoc. While this phenomenon is simple enough, its plans for destruction are rather difficult to counteract - hence the importance of calling in experts to help.

Using chemistry to explain the cause of a loss

Chemistry is everywhere! The study of atoms, molecules, and the interactions between various products can also be used to analyze things that are invisible to the naked eye and to bring enormous precision to our forensic investigations for the benefit of our customers! Here are how our experts with a background in chemistry perceive its use in investigations carried out by CEP.

Releasing the pressure to avoid the worst

Any pressurized tank or piping system such as your domestic hot water tank, your compressed air tank in your garage or a pressurized installation in a factory has a generally small, but very essential part: an overpressure protection device. The role of this device is to release excess pressure in order to avoid an explosion. Our engineer, Hugo Julien, who specializes in the interpretation and application of codes associated with stationary equipment of all kinds, answers a few questions.

The Wizard of Oz, Frank Abagnale and... Fraud Detection!

Whether his name is the Wizard of Oz or Frank Abagnale, an impostor wears many masks. The fictional character of the Land of Oz and the fake pilot, doctor and lawyer who inspired Catch Me If You Can have both deceived, covered up the truth, and abused people's trust… just like insurance fraudsters do!


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