Soil Contamination

Following an event involving soil and groundwater contamination, insurers, adjusters and lawyers seeking a clear picture of the situation can rely on CEP’s expertise.

Once our investigation is complete, you will be able to determine the cause of the contamination, and thus validate the legitimacy of the claim presented to you.

As environmental issues are sensitive, our experts will also assist you in the event of disputes. Our reports provide tangible evidence that is useful in determining who is responsible for the contamination, assessing the quality of work and verifying the accuracy of costs.

Our investigations are based on a scientific approach that:

  • Takes into account the history of contamination;
  • Includes sampling, soil characterization and development of a remediation plan;
  • Relies on chemical analyses from approved laboratories;
  • Ensures independence and transparency in environmental monitoring and cost control conducted by contractors;
  • Ensures the traceability of contaminated materials.

Our team members will be happy to share their knowledge and expertise with you.