

Pressure Equipment training series

Hugo Julien, forensic engineer in mechanical engineering and specialized in pressure equipment will offer a series of training in Quebec for La CMMTQ  (Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens en Tuyauterie du Québec) and in the United States for ASME (American Society Mechanical Engineers) over the next few months.

In memory of André Langlois

On December 14, 2019, our colleague and friend André Langlois died at the age of 61 from a cancer discovered last summer. Appreciated by all his colleagues for his kindness, his knowledge and his objectivity, he was an engineer respected by all professionals in the insurance field.

Best Holiday Wishes

CEP Forensic wishes you a joyous Holiday Season ! Turn up the volume, sit back and enjoy our very own version of this Holiday classic : Rockin' around the Christmas Tree

A great achievement for our Circuit Bleu kayak team

It is with a great sense of accomplishment and pride that a team composed of CEP employees participated in the Charles Bruneau’s Circuit Bleu kayak event on the 13th 14th and 15th of September 2019. The outstanding amount of $18,005 were raised and donated to the Charles Bruneau’s Foundation.

Mark Hughes is retiring

Mark Hughes, Vice-President - Western Canada, is retiring October 18, 2019. From starting his own company, Sintra Engineering, in 1997 servicing the Alberta insurance industry, to the recent merger with CEP in 2017, Mark has worked tirelessly to provide a gold standard of forensic engineering services in Western Canada and beyond.

CEP Forensic’s Structural & Civil Engineering team is growing

After a very busy year and a sustained high demand for our civil/structural engineering services, resulting largely from natural disasters (tornadoes as well as record snow loads and floods), our team was taxed but was able to cope, albeit at the expense of longer delays for reports and site examinations. As such, we extend our thanks to our clients for being so understanding and patient during that time period. However, we have taken steps to remedy this situation and we are pleased to announce that two additional  civil/structural engineers have now joined our Ottawa office staff.



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