
Building Codes and Construction Defects: hazards that affect structural integrity

The raison d’être of Building Codes is ensuring the structural integrity of a building and making certain public health and fire and safety standards are met. Regardless of whether they originate from an incident or are discovered while investigating the cause of loss, building code violations and construction defects must be repaired to ensure the safe occupancy and use of the building. In this article, our experts explain all you need to know on the topic.

Continuous Lateral Bracing: Buckling under pressure

Every winter brings its share of concerns when ice and snow accumulate on building roofs. Wooden members used for light frame roof trusses can be stressed in different ways and can be susceptible to the phenomenon of buckling. However, buckling can be prevented by using continuous lateral bracing. In this technical article, our civil engineer Olivier Biron explains in detail what you need to know on the topic.

Santa's Elves: Craftsmen or Engineers?

Christmas elves are really busy during the holidays, and essential helpers for Santa Claus! But who are these sprites and what technologies do they employ? Did they receive training in school? Do they use magic? Do they only eat cookies and other sweets washed down with milk? To satisfy your curiosity, here is a little more information!

Leonardo da Vinci - a trailblazer in forensic engineering?

Let’s go back to basics: what do forensic engineers really do? The job is split into two parts. First, these specialized engineers analyze structural, mechanical, and other engineering failures: What was the problem? Why did it happen? Then, they develop methods to resolve them: what is the best course of action for repair or is there any avenue for recovery?

Women in Engineering – Spotlight on CEP’s Female Experts

Want to know more about the humans behind the expertise? To mark International Women in Engineering Day on June 23, our female experts are taking centre stage this week! At CEP Forensic, we want to celebrate the contribution of our teams in all their diversity! Our female engineers and investigators are already well known by their colleagues and clients for their professionalism and thoroughness.

Run, jump and play - The hazards of play structures

As weather gets warmer, children and families are likely to be spending more time outdoors and at the local play structure! Although playgrounds are usually fun for children of all ages, accidents can happen, which may result in injuries. This article addresses some common play structure hazards seen by our experts in various losses.


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