
Physics, Mechanics and Forensic Engineering: The 1001 Lives of Isaac Newton

There are people like that who are born under a lucky star or… under the right tree! Yes, legend has it that Isaac Newton developed the theory of gravity after seeing an apple fall from his apple tree. He probably thought to himself "Why did it fall?" as he ate it. Isaac Newton is about much more than gravity! Discover what he brought to forensic engineering, and much more!

Building Codes and Construction Defects: hazards that affect structural integrity

The raison d’être of Building Codes is ensuring the structural integrity of a building and making certain public health and fire and safety standards are met. Regardless of whether they originate from an incident or are discovered while investigating the cause of loss, building code violations and construction defects must be repaired to ensure the safe occupancy and use of the building. In this article, our experts explain all you need to know on the topic.

Corrosion of flexible water supply lines

Forensic experts are regularly called upon to give their opinion on the cause and possibility for subrogation in cases of flexible water supply line corrosion. But rarely has a court ruled on liability in connection with such a loss. A recent judgment by the Superior Court of Quebec did so.

Nikola Tesla: an electrical engineering genius!

Nikola Tesla: does that name mean anything to you? This is the tragedy of this Serbian electrical engineer, mechanic and physicist, born in 1856. This man, who held over 300 patents, generated the foundations of electrical engineering, which electrical engineers still use today.

Continuous Lateral Bracing: Buckling under pressure

Every winter brings its share of concerns when ice and snow accumulate on building roofs. Wooden members used for light frame roof trusses can be stressed in different ways and can be susceptible to the phenomenon of buckling. However, buckling can be prevented by using continuous lateral bracing. In this technical article, our civil engineer Olivier Biron explains in detail what you need to know on the topic.


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