
Unveiling the Truth: Water Loss Investigation in Fraudulent Insurance Claims

Did you know that water damage claims are now more frequent than fire-related claims? The same trend applies to fraudulent claims. Hidden information, negligence, half-truths, or lies: some ill-intentioned individuals, or those fearing denial of compensation after water damage, sometimes fabricate stories when filing a claim. Through efficient technical expertise and scientific analysis applied to every claim, our experts can help to separate truth from falsehoods. In this technical article, our forensic engineers provide examples of cases where investigative work has successfully revealed the truth.

The Benefits of Wood, What to Look Out for and the Importance of Maintenance

Wood stands out as an incredibly versatile material capable of serving multiple purposes. Yet, the intricate nature of a tree's structure adds layers of complexity. Firstly, the wood harvested from a single tree varies in consistency depending on its growth stage. Moreover, despite its utility, wood tends to absorb moisture, posing challenges, particularly in construction applications where moisture is problematic. Safeguarding wood against the elements becomes paramount, necessitating the application of varnish, paint, or stain for protection, along with diligent maintenance to ensure its longevity.

Unravelling Forensic Investigation

Gathering information, facts, and documents is a crucial part of any forensic investigation. In fact, only by gathering all the data can the expert obtain a clear picture of all possible causes to explain a failure. Then they can use fault tree analysis and technical knowledge to identify the root cause(s) of an incident and produce a report to explain it all.

March: Celebrating women and their scientific brilliance!

In Canada, March marks National Engineering Month! It’s a time to celebrate the remarkable contributions of the engineering community and spark the interest of future engineers and scientists! But March is also dedicated to honoring women, many of whom have made significant strides in science. So let's seize this opportunity to honor all those who have played a pivotal role in shaping our modern world.

Brass alloy plumbing components: useful facts and failure mechanisms

Brass alloys are widely used to produce plumbing components, and typically perform well for years in most applications. It is not uncommon for potable water plumbing systems inside a residence to contain many brass fittings that are generally forgotten and unproblematic. From time to time, leaks are associated with brass plumbing components even if they were sourced from domestic suppliers with good reputations for durability and quality. This article presents a brief overview of brass alloys and the major failure mechanisms observed when components made from commercial brass alloys leak.


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