Santa's Elves: Craftsmen or Engineers?
Christmas elves are really busy during the holidays, and essential helpers for Santa Claus! But who are these sprites and what technologies do they employ? Did they receive training in school? Do they use magic? Do they only eat cookies and other sweets washed down with milk? To satisfy your curiosity, here is a little more information!
Everything you ever wanted to know about plumbing and electrical product certifications
Nowadays, we only have to type a few words into any Internet search engine to see an almost endless supply of products that can be purchased with just a few clicks. That said, caution is required when purchasing plumbing and electrical components online.
Demystifying slip, trip and fall claims
With colder temperatures upon us, slippery conditions will increase slip and falls claims. But icy surfaces are not the only cause of slip, trip and fall incidents. To give you some insight into handling slip and fall claims this winter, we sat down with Edmonton-based biomechanical engineer, Rebecca Moss, to explore the topic.
Forensic Guide to Glass
Glass is everywhere around us and forensic investigators are frequently assigned to work on projects involving damage to glass or injuries caused by broken glass. Basic composition, brief descriptions of the different types of glass available on the market, probable failures and the role of the forensic investigator: this article provides a full overview concerning glass.
Leonardo da Vinci - a trailblazer in forensic engineering?
Let’s go back to basics: what do forensic engineers really do? The job is split into two parts. First, these specialized engineers analyze structural, mechanical, and other engineering failures: What was the problem? Why did it happen? Then, they develop methods to resolve them: what is the best course of action for repair or is there any avenue for recovery?
Lithium-Ion Batteries: Significant energy capacities, but also highly combustible
Lithium-ion batteries are a common part of our daily lives. Although rigorous processes must be followed during their manufacture, and failure rates are very low, the highly combustible materials they contain have the potential to cause catastrophic losses.
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